Results – SloFlyers First July ALES contest Wednesday July 10

From Rick Johnston;

The lift was excellent today if you were in the right spot but if you weren’t, well…  It was Ricks’ day to be in the right spot and he won with 3839 points, Chuck(just rolled back into town) B was second with 3672 points and Ken(likes to fly with a 100 meter launch handicap) B was third with 3397 points. Congrats

The landing contest went: Rick first with 60 pts, Ken B second with 50 pts and Tony J third with 41 pts. All in all I think everyone had fun but two wrecks put a damper on some of the fun. Oh well there’s the next contest(July 24) to look forward to. Thanks  to Ken for being the CD, and a special thanks   for the favorable shedding parts ruling from those who shed parts on landing. The CD for next contest will be Tony J, he had first dibbs on the coveted job.


Rank    Name              Score      Pcnt       Raw Score
1    Johnston, Rick     3839.6     100        3839.6
2    Bowers, Chuck     3672.9     95.66     3672.9
3    Bradley, Ken        3397.3      88.48    3397.3
4    Reikki, Daryl        3266.2     85.07     3266.2
5    Jacobson, Tony    3263.5     85          3263.5
6    Gallo, Tony           3064.8    79.82      3064.8
7    Dobozy, Steve      2402.1     62.56     2402.1
8    Abbott, Perry      1838.3     47.88      1838.3
9    Valko, Mike          948.6       24.71      948.6

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