Results – ALES Contest December 9, 2015

From Rick Johnston;

It was a very pleasant day with very little wind to bother the 10 glider guiders that showed up yesterday. The lift was spectacular but in some groups so was the sink. Mike Wilson found the lift and avoided the sink the best to take first. Rick was second and Daryl was third. Way to go guys. Absent was the defending champ from last contest and guest from Bakersfield, Gary Ellington.  I say the nerve of some people, coming in from out of town and winning and then not showing up for a rematch!!  Just as we had finished the last group of the last round here comes the wind, good timing CD.

The landing contest was won by Morgan, Ken second and Mike Wilson third.

Next and final contest of the 2015 ALES  contest series will be on the 23rd of December.  Mike Wilson will be CD.  See you at the field.


Flight Results:
Rank    Name               Score     Pcnt
1    Wilson, Mike         3970.8    100
2    Johnston, Rick     3803.7    95.79
3    Riekki, Daryl        3718.1      93.64
4    Wilson, Morgan   3572.9    89.98
5    Tonnelli,Jerry       3393.5    85.46
6    Gallo, Tony            3359.3    84.6
7    Bradley, Ken          3259.6   82.09
8    Bowers, Chuck      3029.5    76.29
9    Willison,Steve       2647.8    66.68
10  Valco, Mike            2323.2    58.51

Landing Results
Rank    Name             Score   Pcnt
1    Wilson, Morgan    100 100
2    Bradley, Ken         74    74
3    Wilson, Mike        70    70
4    Riekki, Daryl        59    59
5    Tonnelli, Jerry     50    50
6    Valco, Mike          45    45
7    Gallo, Tony           44    44
8    Johnston, Rick    32    32
9    Willison, Steve    26    26
10  Bowers, Chuck    19    19

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