May 2015 SloFlyers Club Meeting

May SloFlyers Club MeetingMay 16, 2015

Meeting brought to order at 10:30 by Tony Gallo

Members Present
Steve Wagner
Morgan Wilson
Daryl Riekki
Tony Gallo
Tony Jacobson
Fred Jacober
Perry Abbott
Tony Jacobson
Dave Nowell
Rick Johnston
Dave Mayhew
Russ Banner
Dee Carl
George Julian
Mike Valco
Tony Gallo
Mike Rittenhouse

Joe Jacober
Tina Creel
Kevin Creel
Rick Jones

1. Reminder that Club Constitution changes have been proposed and are posted on the  website. Contact any officer to make comments. Voting on the proposal will be held at the June meeting.

2. Runway pavement is still in good shape avoiding any repairs this year.

3. Thanks to Steve Wagner for the trophies to presented to the Fun Fly top guns and to Daryl Riekki and Tony Jacobson as Contest Directors.  Thanks also to George Julian for
$47 donated to the clubʼs coffers and Dave Nowell for his “Road Kill” chili.

Meeting adjourned 10:45

Fun Fly Top Guns
1st Place Russ Banner
2nd Place Tony Jacobson
3rd Place  Steve Wagner

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