July 2014 Club Meeting Minutes

Meeting brought to Order by Tony Gallo at 9:15 AM

Members Present:

• Chuck Bowers
• Ron Burn
• Wade Akle
• Paul Genshaw
• Daryl Riekki
• Tony Gallo
• Tony Jacobson
• Robert Van ‘T Riet
• Mike Rittenhouse

Informational Items:

• Bill Lander was involved in an auto accident but is OK.
• Thanks to Tony Jacobson for improving the storage in the trailer.
• Ron Burn donated two kits (Pitt’s Bipe and P-51 Mustang) Call Tony Gallo if you want a build project.
• Chuck Jennings has RC stuff for sale (see the new classified ads section) Contact Chuck direct at 805-459-7416.

Around the table:

• Tony Jacobson made a motion to improve the D.C. charge station that exists on the tool shed.  This would require an inspection to determine what equipment is in working order, and what would be required to make a quality charging area for multiple charging stations. Members present seconded and approved the concept.  Tony and Mike Rittenhouse will develop a plan and begin improvements.

• A number of transmitters have been donated to the club through the years.  Time has come to weed.    Members are urged to contact one of the officers to inspect the radios and take what they can make use of or salvage.   Remaining units will be disposed of on Saturday, August 9.

• New members should be evaluated as to skill level and a plan should be made to assist with their flying abilities.   Tony Gallo suggested a formal return to the Pilot Qualification assessment.  This process will require members to help with the evaluation and instruction.

Meeting adjourned 9:50 AM

Mike Rittenhouse


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