From Dave Stafford;
Here’s some photos showing the progress on my 1/5 scale Piper Tri-Pacer.
I have about 3/4’s of the Monokote task completed. I decided to go with colors that resemble official Piper colors during the 1940’s and 1950’s. Also, the trim scheme is straight from my 1952 full-scale Tri-Pacer.
Now that the airplane is sitting on the landing gear, it is easy to see why the Tri-Pacer is
sometimes referred to as the “Milk Stool” or “Tripod.”
As with my newly converted Killer Chaos, power will be supplied by a Rimfire .80 brushless motor, Castle Talon 90 ESC and a slightly smaller 6S 22.2v 5000 mAh LiPo battery. All up weight will be right at 11 lbs., ready to fly. Wing area is slightly over 1000 sq. ins.
Note: Here are previous updates on the build
October 2014 Update
June 2014
With all of the wind and rain lately, I’ve been busy in the shop, converting my trusty old Bridi Killer Chaos to electric.
I removed the Super Tigre G.90, engine mount, long tuned muffler, throttle servo, receiver battery pack and switch harness.
The new components include a Rimfire .80 (50-55-500kv) brushless motor, Castle Talon 90 ESC with BEC, Align 6S 22.2v 5200 mAh 65C LiPo battery and an Arm-Safe port.
I plan the initial flight with a 3-blade 12 x 8 propeller, followed by tests with a 3-blade 13 x 8 and a 2-blade 15 x 8.
The total conversion resulted in a 9 ounce weight savings when compared to the fully fueled nitro system.
Here’s some photos for the website.