Dave Stafford – Update on 2 Projects

From Dave Stafford;

Here’s some photos showing the progress on my 1/5 scale Piper Tri-Pacer.

I have about 3/4’s of the Monokote task completed.  I decided to go with colors that resemble official Piper colors during the 1940’s and 1950’s.  Also, the trim scheme is straight from my 1952 full-scale Tri-Pacer.

Now that the airplane is sitting on the landing gear, it is easy to see why the Tri-Pacer is
sometimes referred to as the “Milk Stool” or “Tripod.”

As with my newly converted Killer Chaos, power will be supplied by a Rimfire .80 brushless motor, Castle Talon 90 ESC and a slightly smaller 6S 22.2v 5000 mAh LiPo battery.  All up weight will be right at 11 lbs., ready to fly.  Wing area is slightly over 1000 sq. ins.


Note: Here are previous updates on the build

October 2014 Update https://sloflyers.com/?p=3311

June 2014 https://sloflyers.com/?p=3126

With all of the wind and rain lately, I’ve been busy in the shop, converting my trusty old Bridi Killer Chaos to electric.

I removed the Super Tigre G.90, engine mount, long tuned muffler, throttle servo, receiver battery pack and switch harness.

The new components include a Rimfire .80 (50-55-500kv) brushless motor, Castle Talon 90 ESC with BEC, Align 6S 22.2v 5200 mAh 65C LiPo battery and an Arm-Safe port.

I plan the initial flight with a 3-blade 12 x 8 propeller, followed by tests with a 3-blade 13 x 8 and a 2-blade 15 x 8.

The total conversion resulted in a 9 ounce weight savings when compared to the fully fueled nitro system.

Here’s some photos for the website.


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