From Mike Rittenhouse:
Members Present,
Ron Wansa
Dennis Williams
Dave Nowell
Perry Abbott
Rick Johnston
Dave Stafford
Mike Rittenhouse
Tony Jacobson
Tony Gallo
Meeting brought to order by Tony Gallo at 9:00 AM, November 12, 2016.
Discussion items,
- Dave Stafford is filling in for Steve Wagner as web guru.
- Dues news,
Dues are due by December 31. The fee is $ 65.00 for the year, with a $10.00 late fee for
dues received after the 31st. Partial year membership will be $35.00. The gate combo
will be emailed to paid members and the combo will be changed about January 1st.
- Proposed 2017 Officers
Tony Gallo, President
Daryl Riekki, Vice President
Tony Jacobson, Treasurer
Mike Rittenhouse, Secretary
Voting will be at the December meeting.
- New and experienced (old) members
Don’t fly around the power lines.
- Proposed glider contest,
Rick Johnston proposed a glider contest at the Santa Margarita Ranch in April. He
asked the club to sponsor the event. Discussion was about insurance and other
costs to the club. The proposal will be discussed further.
- Directions have been posted under the shade structure to assist emergency responders.
If 911 is called, try to get someone to the farm gate to lead vehicles in.
- Treasurer’s report,
Tony Jacobson stated that all was good for this time of year. Funds are low and waiting
for the influx of dues prior to December 31st.
- Meeting adjourned at 10:00.
Mike Rittenhouse, Secretary