Results – ALES Contest Wednesday August 26, 2015

From Rick Johnston;

It was a great day for a glider contest, plenty of lift but just enough sink to make things interesting.

Rick did the best at taking advantages of the available lift and was first with a score of 3946, second was Daryl with 3856 points, third was Mike Wilson with 3827 points. Way to go guys. Landing was won by Rick with 87 pts, second was Morgan with 59, and third was Gary (the new guy)Ellington with 44 pts.  Again, way to go guys.

Next contest will be on September 9th. I will be CD, see you then.


Flight Scores;

Name                      Points      Percent
1     Johnston, Rick       3946.4     100
2    Riekki, Daryl           3855.7     97.7
3    Wilson, Mike           3827.1     96.98
4    Ellington, Gary       3606.9    91.4
5    Wilson, Morgan      3588.4    90.93
6    Gallo, Tony              3274.6     82.98
7    Willison,Steve         3080.1    78.05
8    Bowers, Chuck       2720.2     68.93

Landing Scores;

Name                   Score    Percent
1    Johnston, Rick        87    100
2    Wilson, Morgan     59     67.82
3    Ellington, Gary      44     50.57
4    Willison, Steve      40     45.98
5    Wilson, Mike         38     43.68
6    Riekki, Daryl         32     36.78
7    Gallo, Tony            18      0.69
8    Bowers, Chuck     18     20.69

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