PBSS New Years ALES Competition

From Rick Johnston;

It was great weather for most of the day for a Fun Fly at Doug’s Place. Lots of lift but you had to find it. We flew various planes, td winch launching and helicopters in the morning and then actually stopped and had lunch at noon. After lunch we had 9 pilots step up and enter the first PBSS ALES contest for 2013. The lift for the first two rounds was stupendous, after that it was dicey with wind and cold. Attached are the results for the contest. Note that there are 3 files. One is the overall results, one the results by round and the third is the results for landing points. Nobody could touch Mike for landing points or for the overall contest points. Congratulations Mike. Everyone got some good round scores, but Paul got consistently high scores for every round and was second. Way to go Paul. Fred did good. Thanks to Ron and Len for coming to our fun fly, we look forward to flying with you guys again.  Also thanks Doug and Jan for having us. It was a fun day


Overall Results

Rank    Name                        Score      Percent

1           Wilson, Mike            3959.8    100
2          Genshaw, Paul         3834.8       97
3          Jacober, Fred           3678.3       93
4          PilotB, PilotB Len    3655.8       92
5          PilotA, Pilot A Ron  3586.8       91
6          Johnston, Rick         3048.4      77
7          Edwards, Doug         3006.8     76
8          Abbott, Perry           2436.9     62
9          Reikki, Daryl             1373.9     35

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