July 23 ALES Contest

From Michael Wilson;

Some good flying today.   Not just taking advantage of good lift but saving airplanes that should have ended up as a fence post.   Details:

OK, who won.   Not me….  It was Ken who stole the day with an outstanding landing performance in addition to doing well with his time tasks.  Good job Ken.  I came in second with an aileron tied behind my back.   I know, no excuses.

Other VERY close competition was between the two Tonys.   Tony G had 1411 points and Tony J and 1410 points.  But Tony G managed to eek out a few more landing points and held on to 3rd place, pushing Tony J to 4th.   Daryl hung on to 5th spot by being very consistent but dropped time on each task.   Chuck almost planted his plane TWICE!   Rather than ride out the task with a suspect plane, he landed very early and did a Fuse swap (Indy Style) in record time to make the next round.   The second fuse shut down early on the last round.   The good news is that no planes or pilots were injured today.

Place    Pilot     Landing       Time    Total
1        Ken           92             1441     1533
2       Mike         42             1480     1522
3       TonyG      46             1411      1469
4        TonyJ       38             1410      1448
5        Daryl         21             1149      1170
6        Chuck       12             914        926

Good weather and a lot of good flying.  It got a bit windy later but we managed to keep up-wind and land safely.

Rick is on his way to the Nats in Indiana.  I will pass on any news if I hear any.  Go Rick!!

Mike Wilson

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