Category Archives: Announcements & Blogs

EFR Drain Project

With a huge thanks to Steve Willison and Gary Elliot, the runway drainage problem is now solved. We have a dry runway! Also, a big thanks to the club volunteers who assisted in closing up the trench while enduring the … Continue reading

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Field Open!

Good news! Do to the heroic efforts of the Sloflyer Mud Rakers, our field is back open… same combo..****. Our drain system works perfectly and the runway is dry once again. Thanks to all the volunteers who made this happen. … Continue reading

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Field Closed

Unfortunately we need to close the Sloflyers field. Until we can resolve the runway flooding condition, the EFR field will remain closed. Exactly how long this will be is hard to know at this time. We think sandbags will be … Continue reading

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ALES Results 02-28-2024

A perfect morning.  Well, there could have been a little more lift. Way to go David…impressive performance!…Steve

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Road Condition as of 02-21-2024

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Water on the Runway update

We have made the Cal Poly Aerospace Department and the Cal Poly Agriculture Department aware of the leaking upper pond that is flooding the runway. We are not 100% sure what part of the pond is leaking, but it is … Continue reading

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ALES Results 02-14-2024

The ground was wet. It was cloudy, dark and cold. The mighty intrepid ALES crew were not deterred.  In fact, it was a splendid morning for a contest.  Mike won with a perfect 4000 score and a near perfect landing score. Gota be … Continue reading

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EFR Pond Perimeter Roads update

The roads circling the ponds are still very wet and muddy and as of today (Sunday), are impassable.

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EFR Dirt Road Condition update

I visited the EFR today (Saturday) at about 2:00 PM and found the dirt road to be fairly dried out, except for several small muddy spots and one cow pie.

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Cal Poly Aerospace Engineering Update

Tony, I am the department chair for the Aerospace Engineering Department, and Aaron Drake gave me your contact info as the department’s contact for the SLOFlyers Club. Since Aaron has transitioned his research activities away from autonomous flight systems, the … Continue reading

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EFR Closed until roads dry out

As per Cal Poly ranch manager, please do not drive on the dirt roads until they are reasonably dry enough to prevent rutting.

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ALES Results 01-24-2024

The Best of Times…Wet, a bit of a slog, but no rain. We all flew with the same handicap…no lift. David won fair and square and Chase has mastered his landings.  What a tough band of hombres!…Steve

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