Monthly Archives: March 2017

Wednesday ALES Contest Cancelled.

From Rick Johnston: Forecast rain tomorrow so our scheduled ALES contest is cancelled.

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Charging station #2 was down

From David Stafford: Tim Chesbro and I repaired a broken wire from the solar panel to the shed charging station yesterday.  The battery was giving low-charge symptoms the day before but now that it is repaired, the battery charge should come back … Continue reading

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March Club Meeting Minutes

From Mike Rittenhouse: Minutes for March 11, 2017 Club meeting.

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CPR Class

From Mike Rittenhouse: Anyone interested in a CPR CLASS? Members and/or wives are welcome. Fee is $27.00, location will be at SLO FLYERS trailer on a Saturday, after the regular meeting. Possible dates are April 8, May 13, or June … Continue reading

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ALES Contest, Wednesday, 3/8/17

From Rick Johnston: It looks like we are going to be able to hold a contest tomorrow without the weather interfering. Pilots meeting 9:00 AM. Rick

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Club Meeting, Saturday, 3/11/17

From Tony Jacobson: SLO Flyers club meeting this Saturday, March 11th at 9:00 AM.

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From Tony Jacobson: This message is to all members to PLEASE close the gate at the field when you leave. The last person to leave the field yesterday or whenever didn’t close the gate and the cattle came in and … Continue reading

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Field Closure – Thursday 3/9/17

From Tony Gallo: SLO Flyers Field will be closed on Thursday 3/9/17 from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM for the exclusive use of Cal Poly Aero. Thanks, Tony

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Field Closure – Saturday 3/4

From Tony Gallo: Slo Flyers Field will close Saturday 3/4/17 at 1:00 PM for the exclusive use of Cal Poly. The Cal Poly team plans to make one test flight with their DJI S900 drone. The flight time is expected … Continue reading

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Field Closure – Friday 3/3

From Tony Gallo: Slo Flyers Field will close Friday 3/3/17 at 2:30 PM for the exclusive use of Cal Poly. The Cal Poly team plans to make one test flight with their DJI S900 drone. The flight time is expected … Continue reading

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