From Rick Johnston.
Great contest except for those who got swept up in the wave of carnage that rolled thru today, sorry guys. Once again some learned the lesson about landing out, it hurts, right. Everybody had a good score or two or three, but look at that Wade, good scores for every round, he’s got this glider flying down. Nice job Wade.
The cam altitude modules will be ordered as soon as the guys from Soaring Circuits return from the National Championship contest in Muncie sometime around the 15th of August. Once we have these module available to buy thru the club, we should make it mandatory to have one onboard each plane in order to fly in a contest. They will cost $45
Paul volunteered as your CD next contest which is on Aug 22.
Name Score %
1 Wade 3,961 100.00%
2 Rick 3,402 85.89%
3 Perry 2,802 70.74%
4 Chuck 2,300 58.07%
5 Steve 1,833 46.28%
6 Paul 1,704 43.02%