Results – ALES contest Wednesday February 13

From Rick Johnston;

It was a beautiful day, great lift when it was great, real sinky the rest of the time. We had twelve pilots flying today and only one plane downed by radio trouble and one out of commission from a hard landing.

Tony G gets the win. Persistence pays off. Good going Tony. Fred is second He’s got his plane dialed in, we are in trouble guys. And look who snuck right in there for third place. Way to go Steve D( the magic heli thumb is glider conscious now). The rest of us are going to have to get it together.

As for landing scores go: Tony G does it there too for a first. I am second and Perry third.

See you in two weeks on February 27 for a rematch.


Rank    Name              Score    Pcnt

1    Gallo, Tony            3832    100
2    Jacober, Fred        3728    97
3    Dobozy, Steve       3655    95
4    Wilson, Mike         3557    93
5    Abbott, Perry       3402    89
6    Johnston, Rick      3329    87
7    Reikki, Daryl         3259    85
8    Anke, Wade          3250    85
9    Jacobsen, Tony    2757    72
10    Genshaw, Paul   1793    47
11    Mike V                 659     17

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