June Club Meeting Minutes

June 14, 2014

Meeting brought to order by Tony Gallo at 9:15 AM

Members present:

  • Tony Gallo
  • Bill Lander
  • Mike Rittenhouse
  • Dave Nowell
  • Steve McChesney
  • Perry Abbott
  • Steve Wagner
  • Tim Chesbro
  • Tony Jacobson
  • Paul Genshaw

Around the Table

1.Thanks to all who participated in the mini-work day.
2. Steve Wagner requests more pictures, build logs, etc. for the web site. Contact Steve via the web site as to how to send pictures or attachments.
3. Contact with Cal Poly needs improvement, to notify the club as to when CP requires use of the field.
4. Tony Jacobson made a motion that the club buy two 2.4 radios to be used for glider tow and training. Tony Gallo seconded the motion and the motion was passed with no dissenting votes. Tony J. and Perry Abbott will research radios and where to buy.
5. Two volunteers are needed for Safety Officers.
6. The Treasurer’s Report will be presented quarterly rather than monthly.

Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Bill Lander.

Meeting Adjourned 10:00, followed by work day and chili lunch prepared by Dave Nowell.

Mike Rittenhouse

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